10 Red Flags in a Marriage, Signs you Shouldn’t Neglect

Red flags in a relationship are the warning signs that show manipulative and unhealthy behavior. These signs can be very easy to miss or ignore. Initially, they are not always identifiable. That’s a reason why they become highly dangerous. When not recognized at the right time, they turn into an extremely problematic situation over time. By identifying the red flags in a marriage, you can prevent getting engaged in a deadly relationship.

1. Regular Put-Downs

When your spouse keeps putting you down or criticizes you in every situation, it can reduce your self-confidence. This is a type of emotional abuse that can cause insecurity and anxiety in a relationship. When he or she refuses to change that behavior, re-evaluate your relationship.

2. Lie Most Often

Lie Most Often
Everyone tells a lie at some point in their life. But, when this becomes a regular pattern, it is a red flag in a marriage. Whether it’s a small lie or a bigger one, hiding the truth can create cracks in the solid foundation of your relationship.

3. Walk Away from Difficult Discussions

Walk Away from Difficult Discussions
A person who tends to walk away from discussions or arguments without paying attention to you lacks behavioral or emotional skills. So, check if your partner is interested in interacting with you.

4. No Friends

Not having any friends is also a marriage red flag. It means they have a difficult personality, lack social skills, and have negative viewpoints towards other people.

5. Jealousy and Controlling Behavior

Jealousy and Controlling Behavior
If your partner controls your life and is highly jealous of having a social life outside the relationship, it may be a sign of a major problem.

6. Emotional Distance

If you sense a growing emotional distance between you and your partner, it’s time to take notice. A lack of emotional intimacy can lead to a breakdown in communication and connection, potentially jeopardizing the foundation of your marriage.

7. Constant Criticism

Constant Criticism

Constructive criticism is normal in any relationship, but when it transforms into a constant barrage of negativity, it becomes a red flag. A partner who consistently criticizes can undermine your self-esteem and create a toxic environment within the marriage.

8. Financial Secrecy

Open communication about finances is essential in a marriage. If your partner is secretive about money matters or consistently hides financial details, it could lead to trust issues and strain the financial aspect of your relationship.

9. Disregard for Boundaries

Respecting each other’s boundaries is crucial for a healthy marriage. If your partner consistently disregards your boundaries or tries to control every aspect of your life, it may indicate a lack of respect for your individuality and independence.

10. Lack of Support

Lack of Support

In a successful marriage, partners support each other’s dreams and aspirations. If you find that your partner is dismissive of your goals or shows little interest in your achievements, it could signal a lack of emotional support.

Wrapping Up

To ensure a fulfilling and lasting marriage, it’s essential to be vigilant and address these red flags early on. Remember, open communication and mutual respect are the foundations of a healthy relationship. If you ever find yourself unsure or concerned, seeking professional advice or counseling can provide valuable insights and guidance. Marriage is a journey that requires effort and commitment from both partners, so be proactive in nurturing a relationship that stands the test of time.

Avoid these red flags by finding the correct person with the Wedgate Marriage Bureau. Better interact with the selected candidate to look for these signs.

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11 Types Of Marriages, Which Is Yours?

Marriage, the sacred union of two souls, comes in diverse forms, reflecting the myriad ways couples choose to embark on life’s journey together. From traditional love marriages to the complexities of interfaith unions, each type of marriage weaves its unique narrative. In this exploration, we delve into the rich tapestry of matrimony, contemplating the various types and pondering the question: Which is yours?

List of 11 Different Types of Marriages

Types Of Marriages

Love Marriage

At the epicenter of love marriages lies the profound and ineffable connection shared between partners. Firmly grounded in the autonomy of personal choice and fortified by emotional bonds, love marriages boldly challenge societal norms. This form of union grants individuals the liberating power to handpick life partners based on an authentic tapestry of affection, shared dreams, and the unbridled pursuit of happiness.

Arranged Marriage

Steeped in the richness of cultural and familial traditions, arranged marriages orchestrate a dance of compatibility and shared values. Families or trusted matchmakers play a pivotal role in this delicate matchmaking process, laying the foundation for unions that often blossom into enduring partnerships. These marriages encapsulate a beautiful fusion of heritage and pragmatic connection.

Civil and Religious Marriage

Delineating the matrimonial landscape, civil and religious marriages emerge as distinct realms, each catering to legal and spiritual dimensions. While civil marriages hinge on the contractual obligations shaping a secular alliance, religious marriages intertwine sacred rituals and traditions, infusing the union with a divine essence that transcends the earthly realm.

Interfaith Marriage

interfaith marriage

Embarking on the intricate journey of interfaith marriages necessitates a profound commitment to embracing diversity and fostering understanding. Couples navigating the complexities of differing religious beliefs embark on a remarkable odyssey, where successful unions are anchored in the bedrock of mutual respect and open communication, forging a harmonious blend of faiths.

Common-Law Marriage

Arising organically from the shared journey of cohabitation, common-law marriages represent an acknowledgment of legal matrimony without the formality of a traditional ceremony. Prevailing in societies recognizing long-term partnerships without the solemnity of vows, common-law unions stand testament to the endurance of committed companionship.

Monogamous Marriage

Celebrating exclusivity and unwavering loyalty, monogamous marriages represent the societal norm in various cultures. These unions, defined by a commitment between two individuals, reject the idea of additional partners, creating a bond characterized by profound intimacy and singular devotion.

Polygamous Marriage

Contrasting the monogamous norm, polygamous marriages provide individuals with the liberty to engage in simultaneous unions with multiple spouses. Practiced in specific cultural contexts, polygamy takes diverse forms, encompassing polygyny (one man, multiple wives) and polyandry (one woman, multiple husbands).

Convenience Marriage

Rooted in practical considerations rather than the ethereal realm of emotional connection, convenience marriages strategically prioritize shared goals such as financial stability or elevated social status over the intoxicating allure of romantic love. These unions often navigate the complex intersection of practicality and pragmatism.

Parenting Marriage

Parenting Marriage

Parenting marriages pivot on shared responsibilities for raising children, acknowledging a nuanced reality where romantic connection might take a backseat. The essence lies in the collaborative venture of co-parenting, emphasizing the importance of familial duty over traditional marital expectations.

Time-Bound Marriage

Acknowledging the impermanence inherent in relationships, time-bound marriages introduce predetermined durations to the matrimonial landscape. Partners enter this unique pact with the understanding that a reassessment of commitment will occur after the specified period, fostering adaptability and flexibility in life choices.

Companionate Marriage

Building on the foundational pillars of friendship and mutual support, companionate marriages prioritize camaraderie and shared interests. These unions represent a celebration of the profound importance of companionship in life’s transformative journey, intertwining lives in a tapestry woven with threads of understanding and mutual respect.


As we unravel the diverse types of marriages, it becomes evident that the institution of matrimony is as varied as the individuals who enter it. Each type brings its own set of challenges, joys, and complexities. The key is to understand and embrace the unique dynamics of one’s marriage, fostering love, respect, and open communication.

In this exploration, we’ve touched upon love and arranged marriages, civil and religious unions, interfaith bonds, and a spectrum of other marital forms. Your marriage is a tapestry of experiences and choices that define your unique journey.

In your pursuit of marital bliss, consider the nuances of your relationship. Which type of marriage resonates with your story? Whatever the answer, remember that the beauty of matrimony lies in its diversity and the profound connection shared by two individuals.

Discover your perfect match with Wedgate Matrimony, which offers exceptional matrimonial services across India. We specialize in connecting hearts, ensuring compatibility, and fostering lasting relationships. Find your soulmate today!

Don’t Miss: How Do I Find a Groom for My Marriage?

How Do I Find a Groom for My Marriage?

It is always said that finding a life partner is not easy. But, at the same time, it is one of the most important life decisions on which your whole life depends. You need to find the person who will stay with you forever.

Things to Consider When Finding Your Groom

Those days are no longer when girls have to manage with any type of groom they get. Nowadays, things have changed. Women have the freedom to choose and marry a man of their choice. They can enjoy their life in the way they dream of. Hence, if you are finding a groom for your marriage via matrimonial services or another way, consider the following things.

1. Family: Marriage is not just about two people even the families of the bride and groom are also included. These families get united on the day of marriage. Hence, consider the family members and their backgrounds before accepting the marriage proposal.

2. Educational Qualification: Also, check for the groom’s educational qualification and professional life & schedule. Considering his income is also essential as it will help you in preventing future arguments that may happen when his income and your expenses don’t match. If he doesn’t have a proper schedule, you will have difficulty having quality time together.

3. Behavior: Behavior, manners, and habits also matter a lot. Find out how he interacts with you, his likes and dislikes, his interests, and everything. Check if he has any friend circle. If he doesn’t have one, he might not like interacting with others.

4. Cultural Alignment: Evaluate the groom’s adherence to customs and traditions. A shared cultural foundation contributes to the seamless integration of values, enhancing the fabric of your married life.

5. Lifestyle Compatibility: Consider your groom’s lifestyle choices. Assess how well they align with your preferences and habits, promoting a harmonious coexistence in your shared space.

6. Career Aspirations: Understand the groom’s career trajectory and aspirations. Shared visions for the future lay the groundwork for mutual growth, ensuring you both move forward hand in hand.

7. Professional Life & Schedule: Understand the groom’s professional life and schedule. Compatibility in work-life balance is vital for quality time together and the overall harmony of your relationship.

8. Lifestyle Choices: Assess lifestyle compatibility. Ensure alignment in preferences and habits for a harmonious coexistence in your shared space.

9. Communication Skills: Assess communication skills. Open and meaningful communication forms the bedrock of a thriving and robust relationship. Ensure that you both can openly express thoughts and feelings.

Besides these things, also consider his customs and traditions, lifestyle, and career plans. Wedgate Matrimony will help you in finding the right groom based on these things.

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What Should you do When Your Conversation Becomes Boring in Marriage?

Do those days have gone when you and your spouse used to spend quality time together having exciting and romantic conversations? Does every conversation now you have seems boring and unpleasant? In this post, we will walk through various causes, signs, and solutions for fixing unexciting conversations between married couples.

Causes of Unpleasant Conversation

Having the same routine can make your relationship boring. Set your clock to the couple times that mean just for you. Sometimes, it also happens when you feel that you have nothing to discuss. Habitual conversations that mostly happen every day is another reason why relationship become boring. Another biggest excuse is ‘nothing to do’. Avoid falling into this trap.

5 Strongest Signs of Boring Conversation

Signs of Boring Conversation in Marriage/Relationship

Your communication and relationship may get boring due to the natural ebbs and flows in your committed partnership. Some signs that show that you are no longer having effective and pleasant communication include sitting alone in silence, discussing the same everyday routine daily, conflicting emotions, no discussion about the future, no fun or adventure, and no sense of romance.

Here we have mentioned 5 strongest signs of boring conversation in marriage in detail:

1. Lack of Genuine Interest: One of the primary signs of a boring conversation is the absence of genuine interest from either party. When participants fail to actively listen, respond with monosyllabic answers, or display disinterested body language, it’s a clear indicator that the conversation lacks the spark that makes it engaging.

2. Silences Are Awkwardly Prolonged: In a captivating conversation, comfortable silences can be as meaningful as the spoken words. However, when silences stretch into awkward and uncomfortable moments, it suggests a lack of connection and conversational flow.

3. Limited Emotional Expressions: Emotional expressions are the lifeblood of any stimulating conversation. If your dialogue partner exhibits minimal emotional reactions, such as smiles, laughter, or thoughtful expressions, it’s a clear indication that the conversation may be falling flat.

4. Frequent Glances at the Clock: If you notice your conversation partner frequently checking the time, it’s a red flag. This behavior indicates a desire to conclude the conversation rather than an eagerness to continue the dialogue.

5. Short and Predictable Responses: Conversations thrive on the exchange of ideas, thoughts, and emotions. When responses become formulaic, short, and lack depth, it suggests a lack of enthusiasm or investment in the discussion.

What to Do to Have Good Communication in Marriage?

What to Do to Have Good Communication in Marriage

Here are some practical and unique suggestions to breathe new life into your communication and strengthen the bond in your marriage.

1. Open Communication Channels: The first step towards revitalizing your conversations is open communication. Share your feelings with your spouse about the perceived dullness in your exchanges. This vulnerability can create a space for understanding and empathy.

2. Express Your Needs: Take a moment to reflect on what you need from your conversations. Whether it’s more emotional depth, varied topics, or a touch of humor, communicate these needs to your spouse. Understanding each other’s expectations is pivotal in breaking the monotony.

3. Explore New Horizons Together: Discovering shared interests or embarking on new activities can inject excitement into your discussions. Whether it’s picking up a new hobby, joining a class together, or planning an adventurous outing, the shared experience will naturally lead to more interesting conversations.

4. Revitalize Date Nights: Amidst the routine of daily life, it’s easy to forget the importance of dedicated time for each other. Revive the romance by planning regular date nights. These can be occasions to reconnect and engage in meaningful conversations outside the usual household topics.

5. Ask Thoughtful Questions: Shift away from routine inquiries and embrace open-ended questions that stimulate deeper conversations. Encourage your spouse to share their thoughts and feelings, creating an environment conducive to exploration and understanding.

6. Share Personal Experiences: Authenticity builds connection. Share your own experiences and encourage your spouse to do the same. This vulnerability fosters a sense of intimacy and opens the door to more meaningful and captivating discussions.

7. Cultivate Shared Interests: Choosing a book, movie, or TV series to enjoy together provides a shared experience to discuss. This shared interest can become a bonding point, offering fresh perspectives and sparking captivating conversations.

8. Prioritize Uninterrupted Quality Time: In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to be physically present but mentally absent. Designate quality time free from distractions. This could involve daily walks, technology-free evenings, or simply unwinding together without external disturbances.

9. Seek Professional Guidance: If the communication breakdown persists, seeking the help of a marriage counselor can be beneficial. A professional can provide valuable insights and tools to improve communication and overall relationship satisfaction.

Begin a new habit together and consider what things you both used to do when you first got married. What else you can do to prevent having a boring conversation in your marriage is to find the most suitable would-be partner with Wedgate matrimonial site if you are not married right now. Clearing your doubts before marriage helps in leading a marriage up a bright path of understanding.

Wrapping Up

Recognize the signs of boring conversations in marriage to revive connection. Address causes like routine and lack of interest, embracing open communication. From sharing personal experiences to prioritizing quality time, these steps breathe new life into relationships. Actively engaging in meaningful communication is the key to sustaining a vibrant and lasting marriage.

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The Impact of Social Expectations on Marital Happiness

Marriage, often seen as a union of two souls, is influenced by a myriad of external factors, and social expectations can play a significant role in shaping the journey of couples. The pressure to conform to societal norms, roles, and expectations can impact marital happiness in profound ways. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the complexities of social expectations on marriages, the potential challenges they pose, and how platforms like Wedgate Matrimony aim to redefine the narrative by prioritizing genuine connections over societal norms.

Impact of Social Expectations on Marital Happiness

Traditional Gender Roles: Societal expectations often dictate predefined roles for husbands and wives. Traditional gender norms may pressure couples to conform to these roles, potentially limiting individual expression and stifling personal fulfillment. Breaking free from these expectations allows couples to define their partnership based on mutual respect and shared responsibilities.

Timeline Pressures: The societal timeline for milestones such as marriage, having children, and achieving career success can create undue pressure on couples. The expectation to conform to a specific schedule may lead to rushed decisions, impacting the couple’s ability to grow organically and build a foundation of mutual understanding.

Family Influence: Familial expectations, whether cultural or generational, can significantly impact marital dynamics. Balancing the desires and values of one’s own family with those of a spouse can be challenging. Establishing clear boundaries and open communication is crucial in navigating the delicate balance between familial expectations and marital happiness.

External Comparisons: The pervasive influence of social media and societal comparisons can contribute to unrealistic expectations within marriages. Couples may feel compelled to showcase an idealized version of their relationship, leading to feelings of inadequacy when comparing themselves to others. Focusing on authentic connection rather than external perceptions becomes paramount.

Navigating the Impact

Open Communication: The foundation of a resilient marriage is built on open and honest communication. Couples should discuss their expectations, fears, and desires to ensure alignment in their vision for the relationship. Establishing a safe space for dialogue promotes understanding and unity.

Establishing Boundaries: Couples need to be proactive in setting boundaries with external influences, including societal and familial expectations. By defining their path and making decisions based on their unique circumstances, couples can create a marriage that aligns with their values rather than conforming to external pressures.

Prioritizing Individual and Mutual Fulfillment: Marital happiness thrives when individuals prioritize both personal and mutual fulfillment. Couples should encourage each other to pursue individual passions and dreams, recognizing that personal growth contributes to the overall strength of the relationship.

The Role of Wedgate Matrimony

Wedgate Matrimony understands the importance of authentic connections in fostering marital happiness. By prioritizing compatibility, shared values, and mutual understanding over societal expectations, Wedgate Matrimony redefines the narrative of marriage. The platform encourages couples to build relationships based on genuine connections rather than conforming to external pressures.


Navigating the impact of social expectations on marital happiness requires a conscious effort to break free from societal norms and define the journey on one’s terms. Couples who prioritize open communication, establish boundaries, and focus on mutual fulfillment create a foundation that withstands external pressures. Platforms like Wedgate Matrimony play a crucial role in reshaping the narrative, advocating for genuine connections that go beyond societal expectations, ultimately contributing to a more fulfilling and authentic marital experience.

Don’t Miss: From Friends to Forever: Exploring Marriages that Started as Friendships

From Friends to Forever: Exploring Marriages that Started as Friendships

Love stories often unfold in unexpected ways, and for many couples, the journey from friends to forever is a unique and special one. Marriages that started as friendships possess a distinct foundation, rooted in shared experiences, trust, and understanding. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the dynamics of relationships that evolved from friendships, the strengths they bring to marital bonds, and how platforms like Wedgate Matrimony celebrate the beauty of connections that go beyond the traditional romantic narrative.

from friends to forevever

The Evolution of Friendship into Love

1. Shared History and Trust

Friendships that evolve into marriages are built on a foundation of shared history and trust. Couples who have been friends often have a deep understanding of each other’s values, quirks, and life experiences. This familiarity forms a solid basis for the trust that is essential in any successful marriage.

2. Open Communication

The transition from friends to romantic partners is often marked by open and honest communication. Friendships cultivate a space where individuals feel comfortable expressing themselves authentically. This carries over into the romantic phase of the relationship, fostering a culture of transparency and vulnerability.

3. Compatibility Beyond Romance

Unlike relationships that start with a romantic spark, friendships-turned-marriages showcase a compatibility that extends beyond mere attraction. These couples have often navigated challenges together, celebrated successes, and developed a deep connection that goes beyond the surface level.

Strengths of Marriages Born from Friendships

1. Strong Foundation of Trust

Trust is a crucial element in any successful marriage. Couples who were friends before becoming romantic partners have a head start in this department. The trust established in their friendship often carries over, forming a solid foundation for the marital bond.

2. Deeper Emotional Connection

The emotional connection in marriages born from friendships tends to be profound. The shared history and understanding cultivated during the friendship phase create a depth of emotional intimacy that strengthens the relationship.

3. Mutual Support and Understanding

Friends turned spouses often have an innate ability to understand and support each other. The support system developed during their friendship continues to play a pivotal role in navigating the ups and downs of married life.

Navigating the Transition

1. Clear Communication: Clear communication is essential when transitioning from friends to romantic partners. Honest conversations about feelings, expectations, and the future of the relationship help ensure that both individuals are on the same page.

2. Respecting the Friendship: While the dynamic may evolve, respecting the foundation of friendship is crucial. It’s essential to preserve the aspects that made the friendship special while allowing the relationship to grow into a romantic partnership.

3. Embracing Change: The transition from friends to spouses involves a significant change in the dynamics of the relationship. Embracing this change with an open heart and a willingness to adapt is key to a smooth transition.

The Role of Wedgate Matrimony

Platforms like Wedgate Matrimony recognize and celebrate the diversity of love stories, including those that began as friendships. By providing a space for individuals to connect based on shared values, interests, and compatibility, Wedgate Matrimony contributes to the narrative that true companionship can evolve into a lifelong commitment.


Friendships that blossom into marriages add a layer of depth and authenticity to the journey of love. The shared history, trust, and understanding cultivated during the friendship phase contribute to the resilience and strength of these unions. As couples embark on the beautiful journey from friends to forever, platforms like Wedgate Matrimony stand as champions of love, recognizing and honoring the diverse paths that lead to lifelong companionship.

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Love Languages Understanding and Expressing Affection in Marriage

In the intricate dance of matrimony, understanding and expressing love become pivotal elements that shape the foundation of a lasting and fulfilling relationship. Enter the concept of Love Languages, a profound framework developed by Dr. Gary Chapman. This framework, consisting of five distinct languages through which individuals express and interpret love, offers invaluable insights into fostering deeper connections within marriages.

understanding and expressing affection in marriage

1. Words of Affirmation: The Power of Spoken Love

  • For some, words carry immense weight, and verbal expressions of love and appreciation become their primary love language.
  • Simple affirmations, compliments, and words of encouragement can profoundly impact these individuals, creating a sense of security and connection.

2. Acts of Service: Love in Action

  • Actions, as the saying goes, speak louder than words. For those whose love language is acts of service, meaningful gestures and acts of kindness hold the key to their hearts.
  • Whether it’s lending a helping hand or taking on a shared responsibility, these acts become tangible manifestations of love and devotion.

3. Receiving Gifts: Symbolic Tokens of Love

  • Some individuals cherish the sentiment behind thoughtful gifts. These could range from grand gestures to small tokens that carry sentimental value.
  • The act of gift-giving becomes a language of love, symbolizing thoughtfulness, consideration, and a deep understanding of the recipient’s desires.

4. Quality Time: Presence Over Presents

  • For those whose love language is quality time, undivided attention becomes the most cherished gift.
  • Meaningful conversations, shared experiences, and the intentional carving out of time together foster a sense of intimacy and connection.

5. Physical Touch: The Language of Sensitivity

  • Physical touch transcends the physical realm for individuals whose love language centers around tactile expressions.
  • Hugs, kisses, and other physical gestures become powerful ways to convey love, comfort, and emotional support.

Navigating Love Languages in Marriage

Understanding one’s own love language and that of a partner lays the groundwork for effective communication and emotional connection. It becomes a roadmap to expressing affection in ways that resonate deeply with each individual, fostering a sense of being seen, heard, and cherished within the marriage.

Expressing Love in Unique Ways

In matrimony, the beauty lies in recognizing and embracing the diversity of love languages within the partnership. A spouse might find joy in receiving a heartfelt letter (Words of Affirmation), while another may cherish the shared experience of a quiet evening together (Quality Time).

Celebrating Love with Wedgate Matrimony

As couples embark on the journey of understanding and expressing love through their unique languages, Wedgate Matrimony stands as a partner in celebrating these diverse expressions. Recognizing that every love story is distinct, Wedgate Matrimony provides a platform where couples can connect based on their shared values, preferences, and expressions of love.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, the exploration of Love Languages offers a profound lens through which couples can deepen their connection and foster a harmonious and thriving marriage. With Wedgate Matrimony as a guiding force, couples can embark on a journey of understanding, appreciating, and celebrating the unique love languages that make their union extraordinary. At Wedgate, we believe that every love story is a symphony of unique expressions, and understanding those nuances is the key to a lasting and fulfilling marriage.

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Things to Check While Finding a Partner Through a Marriage Bureau

These days it’s all about online websites, and thus, online matrimonial bureaus have become a popular trend. Nowadays, with just one click, you can find your life partner. Technological developments have made things quite easier for everybody. However, fraudulence is not something that you read daily in newspapers. And, you must not ignore reports about such activities.

So, if you are new to this matrimonial website and seeking online matchmaking services, then there are few essential points that you should remember before choosing a partner from a website. Let’s get to know them –

Verification of the Matrimonial Website

Always check whether the Matrimonial website/service has a proper license or not. Verify whether it has a good reputation and if there are any great success rates. Always check the reviews and credibility of the company. The primary aim of such sites is to offer brides and grooms, so you must verify the registration to ensure a successful marriage later.

Research Well and opt for a Profile Check


While looking for a partner, you must analyze the profile vividly. Always try to filter out the matches that are not your concern. Even after joining with best marriage bureau in Delhi, always conduct background verification through other social media. In this tech-savvy world, everyone has an online presence on social networking sites. There you get to know more about the person other than the things listed on the site.

Limit Your Sharing Details

Do not share your personal details in the very first step. You must understand whether the person you are talking to is a fraud or a committed one. After getting to know that person closely, or after two-three meet-ups, you can share your personal credentials. So, as the proverb goes, it is better to be safe than to be sorry later.

Never try to Impersonate

Marriages are all about trust. Always be yourself and do not fake or pretend to be someone else just to impress a suitor. Be yourself, discuss your likes and dislikes. This helps to decide on a perfect match. Always remember marriages are life-changing decisions. So, always keep your preferences your priority.

We, at Wedgate Matrimony help you find the best suitor according to your preference. We strictly verify the profiles to prevent any fraudulent activity. Are you ready to tie the knot? We can be your perfect matchmaker. Register with us and find your ideal match quickly.

Frequently Ask Question

Q1. How does a marriage bureau work?
A1. Marriage bureaus act as intermediaries, collecting personal information to match individuals based on compatibility, values, and preferences.

Q2. How do I register?
A2. Visit the bureau’s office or website, fill out a detailed form with personal and partner preferences, and submit required documents.

Q3. What information is needed?
A3. Details such as age, education, profession, hobbies, along with photographs and identification documents.

Q4. What if I don’t like the first set of matches?
A4. Provide feedback, and the bureau will refine search criteria based on your preferences.

Q5. Can I meet potential partners before deciding?
A5. Yes, most bureaus arrange meetings to allow individuals to interact and assess compatibility.

Q6. What if the initial match doesn’t work out?
A6. Bureaus continue the search based on your feedback until a suitable match is found.

Must Read: Why Punjabi Hindu Weddings are so Vibrant?

Take a Sneak Peek into a Jain wedding

The Jain sect in India follows the Sramana traditions laid down by the 24 Tirthankars, the Gurus who propagated the religion. Generally, into their own business, Jains are a close-knit community that believes in simple living. Spread in India and abroad, several matrimonial services can help Jain boys and girls find the right life partner.

A Jain wedding though simple involves extensive and ornate rituals. These rituals are followed according to the ‘Vivah Vidhi’ mentioned in the religious scriptures. The dowry system is taboo in the Jain community. Jainism has two main sects-Digambars and Shwetambars and barring a few, both have similar rituals in marriage.

Pre-wedding festivities include ‘Khol Bharna,’ Tikka, Lagna Lekhan, and Lagna Vachan. The wedding celebrations start with the ‘Ganesh Staphna’, where Lord Ganesha is worshipped to ensure the wedding completes without obstacles. Then, a day before the wedding, the Mehendi ceremony takes place where the bride, groom, friends, and relatives apply beautiful henna designs on their hands. Jain weddings now also have a Sangeet ceremony where friends and relatives sing, dance, and enjoy mouthwatering food.

The ‘Bana Betai’ is similar to a traditional Haldi ceremony. However, instead of applying turmeric, a paste of chickpeas is applied to the bride and groom. The ritual of ‘Maada Mandap’ is done on the wedding day. A small Pooja is also done at the wedding site.

The relatives and friends of the groom assemble to go to the bride’s house, which is known as the baraat. The groom rides a horse, and this custom is known as ‘Ghudchadi.’ The ‘varmala’ or exchanging of garlands also takes place in a few Jain families. After this, ‘Kanyavaran’ is done where the bride’s parents give her hand to the groom along with one rupee and twenty-five paise and rice.

Finally, ‘Granthi Bandhan’ or tying the bride and groom’s clothes ends is done before the ‘pheras’ occur. In the pheras, the to-be-married couple circles the sacred fire seven times. Then, the priest sings the ‘Mahaveer strot’ and explains the seven vows of a wedding.

The wedding ends with the ‘Vidaai’ where the groom takes his newly-wedded wife from her father’s house to his house.

Wedgate Matrimony is one of the leading Jain matrimonial services in Delhi. It has been successful in finding a perfect match for lakhs of people. With a huge database of prospective brides and grooms, it is not difficult to find one’s soulmate!

Take a Sneak Peek into a Jain wedding

Frequently Ask Question 

Q1: What sets Jain weddings apart?
A: Jain weddings are known for simplicity, spirituality, and adherence to Jain principles.

Q2: Key pre-wedding rituals?
A: Laghana Lekhan (setting the wedding date) and Mada Mandap (altar construction).

Q3: Significance of the Baraat?
A: A joyous procession symbolizing the union of families.

Q4: Unique aspect of Jain wedding food?
A: Strictly vegetarian menu following Jain dietary principles.

Q5: Distinct Jain wedding attire?
A: Emphasis on simplicity, with brides in white/off-white sarees and grooms in traditional attire.

Q6: Incorporating charity in Jain weddings?
A: Charitable acts like feeding the less fortunate aligning with Jain principles.

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